(440) 845-9911
Hours: 9:00AM-4:00PM / Answering Service 24/7

Help ADW fulfill our mission to be a positive influence in the community.

ADW wants to help you obtain employment that is economical for you, the customer, and the community. ADW is flexible and understanding with employees. ADW has a program that will accommodate employees with unlimited schedule requests such as: days off, opportunities to pick up extra shifts, overtime, transportation arrangements, cash advances, and assistance in housing. ADW encourages and assists employees in order to ensure that they can have a successful future.

ADW determines job placement for each employee carefully, factoring in certain requests that one may have. At ADW, we try our best to ensure that our employees are comfortable in a job that best fits their skills. Whether that is with ADW or another company, ADW wants to help find the best possible job situation for every employee.

ADW conducts paid training to new employees at one of its training facilities. New employees are placed in a position where they can work with experienced employees so they have an opportunity to learn on the job. ADW staff and training programs are designed to encourage employees to work as a team. Various measures are put into these locations that encourage employees to learn how to work independently. New employees continuously gain trust and dependability throughout their career with ADW. ADW does not micro manage employees, employees are encouraged to work independently and without constant supervision.

For more information about employment opportunities, click on the following tabs: Temporary Labor, Broker/Subcontractor, and Employment Opportunities.